Fuyo Flower

Fuyo (hibiscus mutabilis) blooms in early summer, and there are various kinds of them.

This time, we will make a type called "sui fuyo" (drunken fuyo). It’s a mysterious flower that is white in the morning, but gradually changes its color to pink toward evening. 

Modern Deformed Tsumami Technique

~ Hida Tsumami ~

Required Technical Level : Middle-level ~

We will make "Sui-fuyo" kanzashi.

You will learn the technique to dye the cloth and how to make three dimensional petals with pleats called, "hida tsumami".

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The access period for this course is one year from the date you sign up.

You Can Learn

Dyeing The Cloth

You will learn how to dye the flowers so that they will be flecked when they are made into flowers.

You can enjoy dyeing by experimenting with different patterns.

Hida Tsumami

"Hida tsumami" is modern deformed technique that is popular among tsumami zaiku artists recently.

You can learn the precise technique of creating pleats three-dimensionally.

Assemble Into Kanzashi

You will learn how to assemble fuyo flowers into traditional kanzashi by using thread and glue.

This Course Curriculum