Sakura For Japanese

Sakura, cherry blossoms have been used in Japanese poems and patterns since ancient times and is a special flower that symbolizes spring for Japanese people. It is also one of the national flowers. There is a legend that the god of the rice plant resides in cherry blossoms and they were also used as a symbol of a rich harvest.

Therefore, cherry blossoms are often used as a flower for tsumami kanzashi.

In This Lesson:

We will make a "Sakura Kanzashi"

Required Technical Level: Middle level~

We have already introduced how to make basic sakura but this time, we will make them with the ken tsumami technique.

Learning different ways of making them will broaden the range of your creations!

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The access period for this course is one year from the date you sign up.

Making The Sakura Petals

You will learn how to make the sakura petals with the ken tsumami technique. Learn the tips to form a sakura petals in this video lesson.

Making The Sakura Flowers

You will learn the tip to form the shape of sakura by using ten ken tsumami. This type of sakura has a sharp figure.

Arrange into The Kanzashi

You will learn how to assemble sakura flowers and petals to make a pretty kanzashi!

Lesson Curriculums

  Special Lesson4 Sakura Kanzashi
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