Maiko Kanzashi October
~Chrysanthemum Kanzashi~
In this lesson, we will learn how to make Chyrsanthemum kanzashi for Maiko. The chrysanthemum is the national flower of Japan and a noble flower used as the emperor's crest.
Decorating with chrysanthemums is a good fortune used as a New Year's flower.
This time, we will make a kanzashi with a large tiered chrysanthemum as the main flower. 252 pieces of cloth are used to make it.
You Can Learn The Craftsmen's Methods
The craftsmen's methods are characterized by their ability to create beautiful tsumami zaiku quickly and in large quantities, and they choose the most efficient processes to achieve this. You can learn these methods.
Making A Eighth-layered Dangiku
We will learn how to make 8-tiered "Dangiku" (chrysanthemum) with some tips to make this flower look more natural.
Making Leaves and Bud
We will learn how to make different sizes of leaves with the maru tsumami technique and bud with the ken tsumami technique.
How to Assemble Into Kanzashi
We will learn how to assemble the "Dangiku" (chrysanthemum), leaves, and a bud to form into Maiko's kanzashi